Baccarose Internship Program.

Join the Baccarose Internship Program for a distinctive opportunity that grants you access to a dynamic and immersive experience within our organization. As an intern at Baccarose, you will delve into and actively participate in various departments, providing you with a comprehensive insight into our company's operations and the luxury beauty industry. We prioritize offering a well-rounded learning journey, and strongly encourage our interns to gain exposure to multiple facets of our organization. Whether it's marketing, sales, logistics, customer relations, or any other department, you will enjoy the flexibility to collaborate and make valuable contributions across various areas. This internship promises a unique and enriching experience in the world of luxury beauty and business.

The benefits of our rotational internship approach

  • Discover Your Passion

    Working in different departments allows you to discover your strengths, interests, and opportunities. A first-hand experience will help you make more informed decisions about your future career path.

  • Skill Diversification

    Our rotational program ensures you develop a wide range of skills, making you a versatile professional capable of adapting to various roles and challenges.

  • Networking Opportunities

    Interact with professionals from different departments, expand your network, and foster connections that can help your career.

  • Informed Career Choice

    Don’t be confined to a single role. Explore the opportunity to explore various career paths, empowering you to make a well-informed decision about your Future.

  • Mentorship & Support

    Dedicated mentorship and support from senior team members to ensure you get the most out of your experience.

  • Hands-on Experience

    Dive into live projects with meaningful assignments that have a tangible impact on our business.

Since 1984, we have breathed beauty and luxury. In the years that followed, we have evolved to become the market leader in beauty distribution, grown a trusted network of retailers and offered our partner brands marketing solutions, a trained salesforce and opportunities to expand into untapped geographies in India. Our historical strengths in manufacturing and distribution are complemented by our openness to technology, and we continue to infuse the latest advances in e-commerce and automation across the value chain of the luxury beauty business in India.

Since 1984, we have breathed beauty and luxury. In the years that followed, we have evolved to become the market leader in beauty distribution, grown a trusted network of retailers and offered our partner brands marketing solutions, a trained salesforce and opportunities to expand into untapped geographies in India. Our historical strengths in manufacturing and distribution are complemented by our openness to technology, and we continue to infuse the latest advances in e-commerce and automation across the value chain of the luxury beauty business in India.